
Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce (früher bekannt als Magento) ist eine führende E-Commerce-Plattform mit nahezu unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Sie ermöglicht es Ihnen, fortschrittliche B2B- und B2C-Onlineshops zu entwickeln und das beste Einkaufserlebnis mit maßgeschneiderten Funktionen zu schaffen. Als Strix gehören wir zu den zehn besten Adobe Commerce-Partnern in Europa. Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Implementierung des Composable Commerce-Ansatzes, der mehr Flexibilität, Leistung und Skalierbarkeit für den Online-Handel bietet. Möchten Sie mehr über Adobe Commerce-Lösungen erfahren? Kontaktieren Sie uns!

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Adobe COmmerce

Die wichtigsten Adobe Commerce Fakten


Profitieren Sie von der kontinuierlichen Entwicklung Ihrer Plattform mit Cloud-Lösungen, die regelmäßige Updates, kontinuierliche Überwachung, zusätzliche Geschäftstools und eine effiziente Implementierung garantieren.

Mobile friendly

Progressive Webanwendungen (PWA) sind eine Alternative zu systemeigenen mobilen Applikationen. Es ermöglicht die Offline-Nutzung, eine höhere Konversion, einen vereinfachten Kaufprozess und die Zugänglichkeit auf allen Geräten, unabhängig von der Software.

Gartner Magic Quadrant

Adobe Commerce wurde in den Gartner Magic Quadrant aufgenommen - den Forschungsbericht der Marktführer im Bereich des digitalen Handels.

Analyse und Optimierung

Adobe bietet fortschrittliche Analysetools zur Erstellung individueller Dashboards und Geschäftsanalysen.


Von einer einzigen Plattform aus können Sie alle Ihre Marken betreuen und die Kunden der einzelnen Marken (sowohl Unternehmen als auch Verbraucher) bedienen.

Headless Commerce

Die Headless-Technologie, die eine API verwendet, ermöglicht die Entwicklung einer schnellen, effizienten und flexiblen Lösung, die auf jedes Gerät und jeden Vertriebskanal zugeschnitten ist.


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One multi-channel platform with an intuitive path and custom features for B2B and B2C customers. A carefully designed shopping experience, including product catalogue, payment and order processing. Adobe Commerce's cutting-edge technology gives you a sales platform that is infinitely flexible, powerful, and scalable. As a certified Adobe implementation partner, we build and maintain advanced e-commerce platforms based on Headless solutions.

What is Adobe Commerce?

Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) is the market leader in e-commerce technology. The solution enables you to create the best shopping experience for any type of business - B2B, B2C, marketplace and B2B2C. It is built on a scalable, open platform with the highest levels of security, performance, and optimised cost of maintenance. Adobe offers features tailored to businesses of all sizes to meet customer expectations across all shopping channels.

Does Adobe Commerce support cross-border sales?

Adobe Commerce helps to develop an international business, allowing you to quickly start selling in a new market. Functionalities supporting cross-border sales allow the creation of several language versions of the shop and the introduction of foreign currencies. To facilitate the operation of the shop from the administrator's level, all versions of the platform can be managed from one panel, using a shared database.

With Adobe Commerce, the site design, assortment, shopping path, and experience can be designed separately for each market to suit the needs of the target group, shopping habits, and product interests of customers in the region. The platform also supports collaboration with local service providers. Multistore from Adobe is the perfect solution for companies that offer a range of products from different industries, operate (or want to operate) cross-border, and reach different target groups.

Is Adobe Commerce a fit for my organisation?

We will be happy to answer this question during a meeting, when we will talk about your expectations and goals and we get to know the nature of your business! Based on your vision, future plans, and current situation, we will be happy to help you plan a strategy for further development and advise you on whether Adobe Commerce is right for your organisation.

What are the benefits of Adobe Commerce?

The Adobe Commerce solution is focused on growth, increasing conversions, improving user experience, and simplifying sales processes. The platform's highlights are its strong customisation capabilities and integration with third-party providers, so the shop can be designed to suit the needs of any business. The powerful engine guarantees performance and flexibility, while modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, and headless architecture offer almost unlimited potential for sales development.

What is the difference between Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source?

With Adobe Commerce, you pay for a license and receive support from Adobe. In addition, Adobe Commerce offers more out-of-the-box functionality than Magento Open Source. Magento Open Source is free, but requires you to seek support from the Magento community yourself when building your shop.

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Daniel Höhnke

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