Rapid implementation of a premium shop


BRITA Yource GmbH is an independent part of the BRITA Group, which specialises in the optimisation and individualisation of drinking water. BRITA Yource is responsible for the distribution and servicing of BRITA Yource water bars, which are available both for purchase and for hire. BRITA itself has been an expert in the field of drinking water optimisation and treatment for over 50 years. The success story of the now globally active family company began with the invention of the table water filter. The innovation of the water bars, which are sold by BRITA Yource, takes the individualisation of drinking water for the home to an even higher level.

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The BRITA Yource water bars, which are connected to the water pipe, supply filtered water directly from the tap - still, sparkling, hot or chilled. This was precisely the first major challenge: to establish a product that had never been seen before on the market, especially in eCommerce. There was no comparable data on similar products and brands that we could look at for inspiration. The shop only offers three main products, but these are very complex with purchase and rental options as well as various features.

  • Establishment of a unique product on the market, especially in eCommerce;
  • lack of best practices and tangible target group analyses; 
  • complexity of the main products with different purchase and rental options and features.


The implementation of a comprehensive project in the premium segment within such a short period of time required precise planning and the development of extremely flexible customisations in the BRITA Yource system landscape. Thanks to the wide range of customisation options integrated into Shopware 5, the requirements could be fully met. All external third-party providers were connected to Shopware via interfaces. A particular highlight is the Salesforce CRM integration and the synchronisation of all systems involved: arvato SAP, Salesforce CRM and Shopware as the shop system. This means that the customer service team always has the customer's current subscription version in front of them as soon as they call - just as the customer can customise their subscription model in their shop account.

  • Precise planning and development of flexible customisations in BRITA Yource's system landscape.
  • Integration of external third-party providers into the Shopware 5 system via interfaces.
  • Smooth functioning of arvato SAP with all subscription and payment functions.
  • Integration of Salesforce CRM for synchronisation of all systems involved.
  • Implementation of a clear design and intuitive user guidance in the Shopware shop.
  • Successful realisation of the project with an extremely short time-to-market of only 3 months.
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The completely rebuilt Shopware shop impresses with its clear design, intuitive usability and appealing content, which clearly presents the three main products to the visitor. Despite the highly complex business model, the shop was realised in just 3 months.


This project is built with our technology partners:

Perfekte Usability für Kund:innen und Mitarbeiter:innen

Im Shop für BRITA Yource Wasserbars werden Kund:innen anhand eines intuitiv gestalteten Konfigurators durch alle Informationen und Wahlmöglichkeiten im Kaufprozess geführt. Highlight dieser Umsetzung für den Direktvertrieb ist die reibungslose Integration und Synchronität aller beteiligten Systeme. Zum Beispiel hat das Customer-Service-Team bei Anrufen immer die aktuelle Aboversion der Kund:innen vor Augen.

Trotz des hochkomplexen Geschäftsmodells mit Kauf- und Mietversionen, unterschiedlichen Vertragsmodellen, der Integration von arvato SAP, einer Token-basierten Payment-Schnittstelle, Risk Check, Rufnummern-Tracking sowie einer Salesforce-CRM-Anbindung, wurde der Shop in nur 3 Monaten umgesetzt.

BRITA liebt Strix

„Ein tolles Projekt, das viel Spaß gemacht hat und auf das wir sehr stolz sind. Die komplexen Customizing-Anforderungen und die kurze Projektzeit waren eine große Herausforderung. Aber alle Projektbeteiligten haben ehrgeizig und professionell gearbeitet, sodass am Ende ein richtig guter Shop herauskam.”